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Niki Ellinidou

Niki Ellinidou
Niki Ellinidou

Niki Ellinidou is a Greek stage director based in Berlin. She studied first music theory and piano at the State Conservatory and the Conservatory of Northern Greece in Thessaloniki, obtaining her piano diploma in 2005.


She specialized then in stage directing and collaborated as an assistant stage director with the “Opera of Thessaloniki” and the “Thessaloniki Concert Hall”, before completing a five-years advanced degree in ‘Music Theatre Directing’ at the Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in Moscow. She obtained in 2013 her stage-directing diploma with “excellent” mark, with a specialization in opera directing.


She was awarded in 2009 the first prize at the annual directing competition of the GITIS University for the play “The House of Bernarda Alba” (F. Garcia Lorca). In 2010 her directing and choreographic work “Childhood” was presented at the annual Theatrical Arts Meeting in Moscow.


In 2012 she directed G.C. Menotti’s opera “The Medium” in GITIS Theatre in Moscow; the production was performed as well at the Kaliningrad “Baltic Season International Arts Festival” in 2013.


In 2014 she directed the premiere of Danaï Bletsa’s opera “Anéme” in the Amsterdam’s Orgelpark composers festival. (Oktober 2016)